Friday, July 20, 2012

Journal Entry #3: Final 3 Days of Summer Camp

Day 3
My classmates and I learned a lot of useful phrases such as, What do you recommend?", "I have a question, is it okay?", "How much is this?", "Do you have X?", and other such phrases that are useful when visiting a Japanese store or restaurant. We were preparing for day 4, where we will go to Little Tokyo and speak in Japanese to the store clerks.

Day 4
We went to Little Tokyo. My classmate, Taylor, and I went to a Koban, Kunikuya Bookstore, and 3 ramen shops while the other two classmates went to sushi shops; of course, our sensei and administrator accompanied us. This was my first time using Japanese outside of the classroom. Practicing my Japanese with store clerks, even though it was just basic, definitely gave me the confidence to speak more Japanese. The store clerks did not look down on us for our basic Japanese (as I had always imagined). Instead, they were optimistic when we spoke Japanese to them; a few clerks were astonished or surprised...

From now on, whenever I am in Japan town or Little Tokyo, I will definitely use Japanese as much as I can. After that we went to the classroom and played Shiritori.

Day 5
My classmates and I had to do a presentation in both Japanese and English. Parents, administrators, and workers/directors of the Japan Foundation went to see us present. We also had to wear yukatas during our presentation, which was something new for me (I wore a pink one). It took a while for that Japanese lady to put on our yukatas, www. It did not really feel comfortable; it was tight for us and my classmates and I looked like we were walking like penguins. Anyway, I was a little excited because I never wore a yukata before, but a little nervous because our presentation was a last-minute decision. For our presentation, we introduced ourselves in Japanese, explained what we learned in Little Tokyo (what the ramen shops had, what they recommended, their prices on a few food items, etc). Then in English, we explained in English some aspect of Japanese culture that we had learned. I talked about the Tabanata Festival (tanzaku) and some history that I learned about Little Tokyo (such as EO 9066 during WWII happening on San Pedro St.), and how the "Discover Little Tokyo" camp gave me a new insight of the LT district. My classmates talked about the maneki neko, Konukinuya bookstore, darumas, and the Bon Festival. After the presentation, we went to the Japanese garden on the back of the building to take lots of pictures in our yukatas. Finally, it was time to say sayonora, even though I will contact my sensei and a few of my classmates through Skype and email.

So this was the first and last time I will do this sort of "Japanese teen summer camp" type of thing, since it's the last year of my teenage years (18). It definitely was a fun experience and would definitely help you learn a lot of the Japanese culture and language. Actually, this was Japan Foundation's first time to do a Discover Little Tokyo Teen Summer Camp. Since we were the first class, the Japanese sensei and administrator said that we will be remembered for a long time. Also, since it was the first class, pictures of my class might be posted on their website. I definitely recommend this summer camp if your 14-18 years old. Even though it is only 5-days, it will be intense for a beginner of Japanese.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Journal Entry #2

So I mentioned my second day of class on my previous post called "Journal Entry #1". I will give an everyday account of the 5-day summer class until it ends. I didn't mention what my first day of this Japanese class was like , so I will casually talk about it.

じゃあ、きのうは クラスに いきました。 
Well, yesterday I went to class.

On the first day of class, I was surprised to learn that there were only 3 students in the class. Tali, a Jewish high school student who recently moved here from Israel (I believe), Taylor, a 6 feet white American dude who surprisingly is only a middle school student, and me, a soon-to-be college student and the oldest in the class. Interestingly, they look older than me or about the same age. A great combination, isn't it? Middle school student, high school student, and college student in one class. During our breaks though, I did have a conversation with them. Despite our huge age differences, we did have similar interests because we're all into Japanese language and pop culture.
I definitely enjoyed this class compared to the adult equivalent that I took a month prior. This one was more interactive and fun while the latter was boring and redundant as hell. Since I'm 18 years old, I got the best of both worlds; I am eligible to go to both the class for teens and the class for adults. Anyway, what I most enjoyed in this class was the freebies; an Erin (mascot of Japan Foundation's website) pen, practice notepad, Hiragana & Katakana poster, folders, and anime stickers. I didn't get shit in the adult class. We learned to introduce ourselves, but of course it was just review for me and Tali (Tali has been self-studying for 2 years on-and-off). It was totally new for Taylor, who has the worst Japanese pronunciation in class to be honest. He could only read Romaji, so you can guess how he introduced himself in Japanese; imagine him enunciating all the "u's" with an American pronunciation of all the Japanese words. Despite my criticisms of his Japanese, he is a great guy. I enjoyed talking to him today and yesterday and he sounds pretty mature for his age. What I found most interesting about him was that his fave anime was Revolutionary Girl Utena (seriously?) and that he is obsessed with tbat Rilakkuma bear even though it is girly. What we do have in common is our obsession of Japanese school supplies. We buy as much as we can if we're near a Japanese shop because American school supplies are of poorer quality and unstylish in comparison. About Tali-san, she is a sweet, pretty girl with near-perfect Japanese pronunciation. I enjoyed talking to her too; she is into Japanese folktales and shonen manga. I think we might keep in contact after class ends since we exchanged skype usernames. So to sum it up, we learned greetings, classroom expressions, introductions, here/thank you/sorry phrases, Katakana, numbers, and additional random worlds like food & interests.

My introduction in class was: はじめまして。わたしはジョーンです。だいがくせいです。 いちごとホラーがすきです。よろしくおねがいします。My other two classmates said exactly the same sentences but applied their own names and likes, since we had to use the phrases from the board.

テイラー: (In a Romaji-derived accent) はじめまして。わたしはテイラーです。私はちゅうがくせいです。私はオレンジがすきです。 よろしくおねがいします。 

タリ: はじめまして。私はタリです。 私はこうこうせいです。 そばがすきです。 よろしくおねがいします。

Intro's in translation:
Joan: How do you do? I am Joan. I am a college student. I like strawberries and horror movies. Nice to meet you.
Taylor: How do you do? I am Taylor. I am a junior high school student. I like oranges. Nice to meet you.
Tali: How do you do? I am Tali. I am a high school student. I like soba. Nice to meet you.

Now that I think about it, our introductions are pretty laughable. wwwwwwww

Journal Entry #1

こんばんは~。きょうは おもしろいね。 にほんごクラスえ いきました。 それから スターバックスえ いきました。 それから きのくにやほんやええ いきました。 それから としょかんえに いきました。 それから にほんのレストランえ いきました。らめん と アイスクリームをたべました。

Good evening. Today was interesting. I  went to Japanese class. After that, I went to Starbucks. After that, I went to the Kinokuniya Bookstore. After that, I went to the library. After that, I went to a Japanese restaurant.Ⅰate ramen and ice cream.

This is my terrible Japanese in translation. So far, I am on my second month of my Japanese studies and have a long way to go.

So, I enrolled in a 5-day Summer Camp for Teens (14-18 years old) where I interactively study Japanese with my classmates and teacher. The classes are 3 hours from 9:30-12:30 pm. Today, we basically learned to introduce ourselves in Japanese and learned all the Katakana characters. In addition we went on an 1-hour tour where the tour guide explained in detail most of the history,buildings,stores,streets, and notable Japanese Americans in Little Tokyo. The tour guide is a nissei (second generation American) who has experienced the Japanese internment during WWII when he was about 11 years old. Wow, I learned so much, and would probably not look at Little Tokyo the same way again.Even though I’ve been to LT more than a dozen times, I have never learned how LK started and developed.I also had just found out about some hidden spots, such as the Japanese garden, that I have always overlooked. More importantly, I have learned so much new Japanese words today, and I believe the new material has already reinforced in my mind since I learned in such an enjoyable way.Definitely take a tour of Little Tokyo if you want to know more about Japanese in America.Also, check out the Japan Foundation, a great organization that provides Japanese classes and information on learning more about Japanese language and culture.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Review #1:Pimsleur Japanese I Part A

So far I have finished part A of the Pimsleur Japanese 1 audo set. It definitely improved my speaking and listening skills, which usually are my weakpoints in learning a language. Since I don't get to practice much Japanese outside of the classroom, Pimsleur can help me improve the way I pronounce common words and respond quickly to someone speaking Japanese.

This is what I learned in Part A (first 16 lessons): make basic greetings appropriate to the time of day, pose a question, say that I'm an American or Japanese, say that I can speak Japanese but not skilled at it yet, comment on the weather, ask if someone speaks English or Japanese, ask where the park, restaurant, hotel, or station is, ask someone out to lunch or dinner, order a drink (sake & beer), say thank you, ask for money, do simple arithmetic with numbers, ask what time it is, responding when someone is giving you something, responding when someone comments on the weather or anything else, ask what someone will be doing today or tonight. These are basically the main points.

I think Pimsleur is great! It helps me stick the Japanese words and phrases in my brain since they repeat it so much. I will definitely try to finish Japanese I, II, and III of Pimsleur. However, these are the things that I don't like about Pimsleur.

1. It's freaking expensive for an audio course. It is not worth buying it new. I'm glad that I didn't. My local library, Los Angeles Central Library in downtown, has a huge collection of language audio courses and has the complete set of Pimsleur Japanese.So I recommend finding it at a large local library with a huge selection.

2. The Japanese spoken here is way too polite and formal. The audience is definitely geared to American businessmen who are being sent to Japan to conduct business or to stay there as a tourist. Since I'm a young undergrad who still looks like a high schooler, I won't be expected to be so polite nor would I converse so formally. I may be a foreigner, but Japanese are lenient towards non-Japanese because of their limited Japanese skills. That's why I wouldn't depend solely on this program, and find other resources that would teach me casual Japanese. Anyway, the phrases spoken in Pimsleur are definitely good to know. I'm going to use them even though I might sound too polite to the younger generation when I study abroad there at a uni.

Well, those are the only reasons that I don't like about Pimsleur. I'll also comment that the first 16 lessons only let me spoke very limited Japanese. Seriously, I could only order beer and sake at a restaurant. (And I don't even drink siince I'm underage) But I'm expecting that the vocabulary will expand on upcoming lessons.

See you later (business-like) or see you later (csaual).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


こんにちは。はじめまして。ジョーンです。アメリカから きました。わたしは じゅうはつさいです。しごとは だいがくせいです。サンフランシスコだいがくの がくせいです。いま いちねんせいです。せんもんは ビジネスと日本語です。どうぞ よろしく。

Translation: Hello. How do you do? I'm Joan. I'm from the US. I'm 18 years old. My occupation is a college student. I'm a student at the University of San Francisco. I'm now a freshmen.  My majors are business and Japanese. Nice to meet you.

(Excuse the poorly worded intro in Japanese. So far, I've been studying it for a month.)

Hello~ I'm Joan. Welcome to my new blog! This blog will all be dedicated to the methods and ways I learn Japanese. I will review and share books, resources, and websites for Japanese learners of any level. Since I'm trying to avoid the conventional method of studying Japanese solely with a textbook and learning from rote memory in a classroom setting, I am going to share more fun, alternative, and effective ways to study this language. Although this blog isn't meant for providing Japanese lessons, I will write in Japanese with English translations on some of my posts so that I can practice my Japanese writing skills and viewers can practice their reading skills. Once I'm more advanced, I will provide a section for Japanese lessons.

I just started learning Japanese on the beginning of June, Summer 2012. As you can see, I'm still at a beginner level. I just declared a double major in Accounting and Japanese. Even though I had no prior knowledge of the Japanese language, I've always wanted to be fluent in it since high school. Let's see how much I'll progress.